GLOBAL philanthropic giving to India is set to accelerate at a faster pace than ever before, with Give and.
THE aim of ActionAid India is simple: to make this country a better place for marginalised communities. From protecting.
FOR almost 60 years, India has been celebrating Teachers’ Day on September 5 to mark the birthday of the.
THE concept of celebrity endorsement is probably as old as marketing itself, or at least a century old. Take,.
NISHAD was among a group of children rescued by the police after a tip-off from child rights activists in.
MENTAL health in India needs serious attention according to the World Health Organisation – and alarmingly it is the.
IF you have ever wondered what is causing the summers to be too hot or why the winters have.
For most, life changed forever when coronavirus struck. Here’s looking at the bright side THE experience of 2020 was.
Says Bhumi co-founder Dr. Prahalathan KK – and what he did during the pandemic pause STARTED by a small.
The streets are no place for their young lives to play out AT 13, Satender Sharma ran away from.
You can boost their efforts by supporting them through donations INDIA is dealing with a dual crisis as it.
Providing for and protecting those who need our help the most The COVID-19 pandemic has caused devastation across the.