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10 NGOs rejuvenating education in India

SINCE India gained independence from British rule in 1947, it has made steady progress in primary and secondary education. But there are several stumbling blocks on the road to achieving the goal of universal education. These include a lack of adequate funds, physical infrastructure and quality teachers. India spends only a little over 3% of its GDP on education against the benchmark of 6% that every national education policy has set since 1968.

India needs significant mobilisation and collaboration between the government and the private and social sectors to provide quality education to every eligible child.

While the government has to step up its efforts, several nonprofits in India have been filling the education gaps. Here, we list 10 Indian NGOs driving the change in education:

1. K.C. Mahindra Education Trust (Nanhi Kali)

Since 1953, when the trust was founded to promote literacy and higher learning in the country, it has undertaken several initiatives to improve the lives of deserving students through education. Project Nanhi Kali, the flagship programme of K.C. Mahindra Education Trust, supports the education of underprivileged girls. After 1996 when the project started, Nanhi Kali has helped over 4.5 lakh girls.

The focus is on ensuring that girls from socially and economically marginalised families can access quality education and decrease the high dropout rates. The Nanhi Kali project also allows individuals to take part and support the education of girl children. To support K.C. Mahindra Education Trust (Project Nanhi Kali), you can donate here.

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2. Udaan India Foundation

Mumbai-based Udaan Foundation runs a one-year programme to facilitate school readiness for children aged 4-6 years from low-income communities. The idea is to build a strong foundation in language and social skills in a safe, secure and happy learning environment. Donations to this programme will cover the cost of teachers’ salaries in schools.

After kindergarten, the NGO also continues supporting them through their school years until they become employable. You can sponsor a child’s education in Mumbai to help them dream of a future beyond the slums. To support Udaan India Foundation, you can donate here.

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3. eVidyaloka

This Bengaluru-based NGO is helping underprivileged children in rural India access quality of education through technology. eVidyaloka is combating the severe shortage of teachers in government schools, and its work has benefitted more than 20,000 children in over 200 remote villages. This has been done by connecting the children to volunteer teachers worldwide through live and interactive classes.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the NGO helped provide access to education through remote learning. Through a small donation of just ₹3 per day or more, you can ensure one child from a remote village can access education for an entire year. To support eVidyaloka, you can donate here.

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4. Pi Jam Foundation

Conceived by Teach for India Alumni in 2017, Pi Jam Foundation aims to provide students from under-resourced schools with computing and problem-solving skills.

As most students in India do not have access to the knowledge and skills to make them part of the productive economy in tomorrow’s workforce, Pi Jam aims to bridge this gap. Computational thinking and problem-solving are two areas in which Pi Jam wants to do the most work so that school-going children can be equipped well when they enter the job market. To support Pi Jam Foundation, you can donate here.

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5. Vanavil Trust

Vanavil helps children from marginalised and historically nomadic communities who would otherwise be living on the streets, begging or worse. Vanavil works closely with the Boom Boom Mattukaran and Narikuravar nomadic tribes, forced to make a living through begging and selling minor wares. Vanavil was started in 2005 in the aftermath of the December 2004 tsunami by a handful of youngsters and has grown with the help of individual donors and foundations committed to the cause of education.

The NGO’s mission is to educate children, provide livelihood and empower the communities. They also provide personalised care for every student and assist with college and diploma courses or vocational training. Vanavil needs your support to continue its mission. To support Vanavil Trust, you can donate here.

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6. Aarti for Girls

Aarti for Girls was started in 1992 in Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh. Aarti Home is an orphanage for abandoned and destitute girl children.

The organisation fosters and supports abandoned girls by providing them shelter, education and opportunities to succeed. Aarti feels that the best way to bring up children with difficult pasts would be by giving them an environment that is less institutionalised and more family-based. Over 650 students from disadvantaged backgrounds are currently enrolled at Aarti School. To support Aarti for Girls, you can donate here.

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7. Vidya and Child

Vidya and Child was started in 1998 to make a difference in the lives of underprivileged children in a socio-economically marginalised society. Today, the majority of its learners are first-generation school-goers. The organisation is helping over 1,800 children across five locations in rural and semi-rural settings through its school and after-school support programmes.

The pandemic resulted in the complete closure of schools and children, especially girls, were forced out of schools. You can support the non-formal education of marginalised children and help them take their first step towards education. To support Vidya and Child, you can donate here.

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8. Ibtada

Ibtada works for the empowerment of women and girl children in the Alwar district of Rajasthan. Ibtada intervenes in education, life skills development, computer literacy, vocational training, transport to school and college, and college fee support. The organisation also works with the government education system to improve the school learning environment, outcomes and to empower school management committees. It also provides financial support to improve the infrastructure in government schools.

A library is set up in scores of schools where Ibtada works to inculcate the habit of reading and enhance comprehension. You can support Ibtada in educating more children from underprivileged backgrounds. To support Ibtada, you can donate here.

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9. Vidya Poshak

Vidya Poshak’s unique programme identifies bright students from economically disadvantaged families and nurtures them until they complete their higher education, including assistance in finding suitable jobs.

The organisation realised early that students from low-income families have limited career opportunities because of low-quality education and the lack of financial resources. Vidya Poshak has two established programmes – ‘Nurture Merit’ that supports high-achieving students from economically challenged backgrounds into higher education until they graduate and find employment, and ‘Graduate Finishing School’, an initiative to train financially disadvantaged graduates from rural areas in vocational skills. To support Vidya Poshak, you can donate here.

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10. E and H Foundation

E and H Foundation is a Delhi-based organisation working to enable quality education and healthcare for underprivileged children.

Its focus is on the education of underprivileged girl children in Uttar Pradesh. The NGO partners with highly successful education models on the ground and helps them scale up at a meagre cost. Currently, the foundation has partnered with the Gyan Shala model that is helping children achieve grade-appropriate learning in classes 1-4 at a low cost of ₹5,000 per child per year compared to the average government cost of ₹12,000 per child. Since its inception in 2012, E and H Foundation has reached 19,000 children in three districts of Uttar Pradesh and aims to reach 1,00,000 children by 2025. To support E and H Foundation, you can donate here.

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