CHILD welfare organizations that provide support in the areas of education, healthcare, rehabilitation, to name a few, empower and enable children to rise above circumstances that have placed them and their families in a state of malnutrition, starvation and poverty. Child welfare NGOs in Chennai offer support to children throughout the state of Tamil Nadu and across India by providing scholarships to underprivileged children, medical support for sick children, rehabilitation for differently-abled children and more.
Here are 10 NGOs in Chennai supporting underprivileged children in need:
Bhumi believes in the power of volunteers and has enabled 1,20,000+ volunteers who work in close coordination to provide comprehensive academic support to more than 37,000 underprivileged children in different parts of the country. In Bhumi’s program called Ignite, volunteers and fellows provide educational support for children from disadvantaged communities while the Catalyse program works with local communities to educate people on the importance of civic volunteering in environmental, animal welfare and other initiatives. Through their programs, Bhumi has become one of the leading NGOs in Chennai that has transformed the lives of marginalized children through education. To support Bhumi:
United Way of Chennai
United Way of Chennai is one of the most well established NGOs in Chennai for children that runs Project Aakam. This project ensures that children from rural and underprivileged backgrounds across Tamil Nadu have equal access to a high quality of education that will empower and enable them to reach higher than their parents’ circumstances have allowed them. The Project Aakam students have benefited from new classrooms, restrooms, school buses, learning resources, better teaching environments and upgraded facilities in anganwadi centers. United Way of Chennai has reached 67,809 children, provided 967 scholarships and refurbished 234 schools. To support United Way of Chennai:
Team Everest
Team Everest mobilizes volunteers to provide a solid educational foundation to students whose families cannot afford to send them to school. The organization’s volunteers provide education through scholarships for underprivileged students, orphans and children from single-parent homes, a 100-hour skills-training program, personal English improvement tele-classes, school kits for rural children with school bag, notebooks, uniforms, shoes and other items, and bicycles for children whose schools are located more than 3km from their homes. Team Everest is one of the NGOs in Chennai to provide all-round academic support to children and help them have equal opportunities to improve their lives. To support Team Everest:
Share and Care Children’s Welfare Society
Share and Care Children’s Welfare Society has been serving the needs of marginalized children since its founding in 1984. The organization identifies children who are denied an education because they are poor, orphaned, disabled or belong to tribal or so-called lower caste communities. The organization provides free education to around 200 children and runs a high school and a creche in which remedial classes, uniforms, dresses, books, notebooks, nutritious food, transport facilities and special programs are offered to the children. In providing the children with an academic foundation, there are better chances to improve their lives and uplift their families. To support Share and Care Children’s Welfare Society:
Suyam Charitable Trust
Suyam Charitable Trust is one of the NGOs in Chennai that specializes in improving the lives of children through education. But education encompasses so much more than classroom learning. Suyam Charitable Trust empowers children from poor communities with educational support and career guidance for the students who have graduated from school. In addition to educating and up-skilling the students, the NGO also works with children and the local communities to prevent and end social issues such as child labor, begging, dropping out of school, child marriage. By curating and implementing holistic and child-focused educational programs, the NGO aims to change children’s lives. To support Suyam Charitable Trust:
Udhavum Ullangal Public Charitable Trust
Udhavum Ullangal Public Charitable Trust’s programs to uplift children from impoverished communities are centered around education and cater to the needs of children from families who cannot afford to send their children to school. In the form of scholarships, financial aid, educational materials and mentoring support, the organization has been able to help more than 25,000 children in the past two decades. Once they graduate, many of the children have gone on to enter the Information Technology, Engineering, Accounting and Healthcare sectors with well-paying jobs that lifts them out of poverty and enables them to help their families. To support Udhavum Ullangal Public Charitable Trust:
Vishvodayaa Trust
Vishvodayaa Trust is one of the NGOs in Chennai that focuses not just on educating children, but educating the girl child. Firm in the conviction that educating girls leads to the strengthening of families and communities, Vishvodayaa Trust conducts its Girl Education for Empowerment Project or GEEP to empower girls and improve the ways in which she can access an education. The organization provides free books, resources, uniforms and other school support including school fees to female students from marginalized backgrounds for whom education is a distant dream. Vishvodayaa Trust also works with the families of the girls to help them understand that education is their right. To support Vishvodayaa Trust:
Sri Arunodayam Charitable Trust
Sri Arunodayam Charitable Trust rescues and shelters abandoned children with mental disabilities. The organization identifies orphaned children who are suffering from mental disabilities and have been abandoned by their families. Found in public places such as railway stations and bus stands, these children are at high risk of malnutrition, starvation and worse, exploitation at the hands of criminals and traffickers. Sri Arunodayam Charitable Trust cares for the children at the children’s home where they are nurtured, well-fed, clothed, rehabilitated and loved. Because of Sri Arunodayam Charitable Trust, the children’s lives are transformed. To support Sri Arunodayam Charitable Trust:
Ekam Foundation
Ekam Foundation invests in the education and health of underprivileged children whose parents lack the financial means to support them. The organization started its work over a decade ago in the library of a children’s hospital and has now impacted the lives of tens of thousands of children through improved access to schools and hospitals. Ekam Foundation provides financial support to underprivileged children in hospitals and schools, which helps bridge the gap between needs and resources to improve their lives. The organization also supports educational and healthcare institutions in the areas of infrastructure, resources and capacity building so they can provide excellent services to the poor. To support Ekam Foundation:

Arvind Foundation
Arvind Foundation works with and empowers differently-abled children to become self-sufficient adults who are able to live in a dignified and independent manner. The children that Arvind Foundation engages with have conditions such as cerebral palsy, autism, ADHD, ADD, Down’s Syndrome, muscular dystrophy, epilepsy, dyslexia, neurological disorders and more. For these children, Arvind Foundation provides curative education, therapies, vocational training and livelihood programs to enable these children to realize their worth and potential and reach their personal, academic and professional goals. Being independent gives differently-abled children dignity and freedom. To support Arvind Foundation:

Support these 10 child welfare NGOs in Chennai
These 10 NGOs in Chennai work to uplift and empower children in the areas of education, health, nutrition, therapies for the differently-abled and other areas where there is a gap between needs and resources.
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Shirley has been in the development sector for over 10 years and is passionate about making a change in the world around her, including adopting dogs and writing to make a difference.
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