GIVE.DO is in conversation with Bipin Dhane, the founder of The Hummingbird School, the only school on Majuli Island which has been in the news due to its shrinking size. Majuli Island is a river island on the Brahmaputra River in the state of Assam that was 1,250km² in 1950 and is now around 352 km². In this conversation, we learn about the crippling poverty faced by people on the island, the lack of education and employment opportunities for the island’s communities and how The Hummingbird School of Ayang Trust educates children on the island with the goal of breaking the cycle of poverty.

Here are 5 questions with IITian Bipin Dhane: You graduated from IIT Kharagpur in 2013 and started your career as an engineer. What made you dedicate your life and career to empowering underprivileged communities?

Bipin Dhane: The IIT experience was transformative, but it also exposed me to the stark realities of the world outside and a certain apathy to it.  I was deeply affected by the suffering and injustices in the world. The wars, genocides, farmer suicides… it all weighed heavily on me. I felt lost and unsure of how to make a difference. Then, I came across a story by Nobel Laureate Wangari Maathai.

Once there was a great forest fire.

All the animals fled to the edge of the forest and froze in fear not knowing what to do. They watched as the flames began destroying the beauty of their home.

Finally a tiny hummingbird flew to a body of water and took a few drops into its beak. It then flew quickly toward the fire allowing the drops to fall on the roaring flames.

Over and over the tiny bird continued. 

Drop by drop.

Back and forth.

Again and again.

The other animals watched from the edge of the forest, and called to the little bird, “What are you doing?”

The hummingbird replied, “I am doing what I can.”

The hummingbird’s determination to do its part, no matter how small, resonated with me. It taught me that even small actions, done with persistence and conviction, can make a significant impact. The hummingbird became a symbol of my own resolve. I realized that I didn’t need to have all the answers or solve every problem; I just needed to start somewhere, to do my part, no matter how small it seemed. That realization led me to quit my job and embark on a journey to create change. On your first trip to Majuli Island, you were startled by the struggles of the people. How did you identify education as the tool to change their lives?

Bipin Dhane: Arriving in Majuli, I was struck by the stark contrast between the potential I saw in the children and the limitations imposed on them by their circumstances. The state of education was inadequate; students struggled with basic concepts, and the lack of resources was disheartening. Yet, amidst these challenges, I witnessed a resilience and thirst for knowledge in the children. I realized that education, if done right, could be the catalyst for change. In this context, education emerged not merely as a means to impart knowledge but as a lifeline. It dawned on me that education could empower the community to adapt, innovate, and build resilience in the face of these challenges. It could equip them with the skills to protect their land, mitigate the effects of natural disasters, and create sustainable livelihoods. The realization was profound: education wasn’t just about improving individual lives; it was about safeguarding the future of the entire community. The seed for The Hummingbird School was planted in that realization. How are the children’s lives being transformed through The Hummingbird School?

Bipin Dhane: At the Hummingbird School, our children are learning to be leaders, to love learning, and to always seek the truth. They learn in an environment where they are free to be themselves but also understand they need to be responsible to their classmates. The school’s lessons are connected to the kids’ lives and culture, which is especially important because they come from a community that often gets left behind in our fast-changing world.

The children at Hummingbird School are thus not just practicing in the arena for future citizenry, but already exercising active and critical citizenship. They know who they are and what they believe,and they’re not afraid to speak up. They’re also happy and kind. This immense transformation in the children of Hummingbird School is already causing ripples of changes in the community, which has been presented with an alternative to traditional education and expectations of outcomes thereof. We can see communities demanding better from their public schools and expecting a schooling beyond rote memorization.  

The Hummingbird School is a really special place. It’s a place where kids can learn, grow, and become their best selves. What has been the impact of Ayang Trust and The Hummingbird School in ending the cycle of poverty – through education?

Bipin Dhane: The Ayang Trust and The Hummingbird School are working to end the cycle of poverty through education by providing a high-quality, relevant, and contextual education for children from adverse situations in Northeast India. The Hummingbird School also provides a residential home for 100 children who are orphaned or from the most destitute backgrounds. This ensures that these children have a safe and stable place to live and learn, and that they are not forced to drop out of school due to poverty. Is there a book or documentary film that you would recommend people should read or watch to learn more about this issue?   

Bipin Dhane: This exclusive by The Conch on The Hummingbird School on Majuli Island that takes you through the journey of how we set out to do something unique in India and transform generations.

We encourage you to watch this campaign video appeal below to get a glimpse of life on Majuli Island and Bipin Dhane’s mission to uplift and empower communities through education: 

With your support, Bipin Dhane and his team at The Hummingbird School of Ayang Trust can continue to educate more children on the sinking Majuli Island and help them secure safe livelihoods. To support Bipin Dhane’s mission, you can donate here:  

Support Bipin Dhane of Ayang Trust


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