FOOD security leads to individual and community empowerment and economic growth. Food is one of the basic necessities of all life forms. Food contains the nutrients that our bodies need to grow, heal and function. When we eat regular and nutritious meals, we are in good health and can study, work, play, participate in activities and enjoy our lives. This is the reason that people are encouraged to eat food from all the major food groups and at regular intervals and why people prioritize food donation campaigns. For children, it helps the development of their brains and bodies during their formative years. For adults, especially senior citizens, it gives them the essential vitamins and minerals required to nourish their bodies as they grow older.
But there are millions of people in India who cannot afford regular and nutritious food. The reason? Poverty.
Poor families who cannot afford to purchase rice, flour or vegetables or who live in areas where food is not accessible to them suffer from malnutrition, infant and child death, deficiencies, chronic conditions, diseases, starvation and eventual death. There are many people who are poor, destitute and homeless who can only afford the scraps that people give them while begging. While this minimal and irregular intake of food keeps them alive, it is not enough to keep them active. Their muscles and bones deteriorate, their cognitive state experiences decline and they lack the energy to even function throughout the day. This means that children cannot study and adults cannot work and there are no opportunities to improve their lives and futures.
But there is something you can do!
Mission: Feed The Hungry is a campaign that feeds underprivileged children and elders – two of the most vulnerable groups of people. The campaign prepares and packs nutritious meals which are then delivered to children in schools and elderly people who are destitute and homeless. This improves their health and gives them the strength to live their lives and thrive. Mission: Feed The Hungry is run by in partnership with the organizations Annamrita and Rise Against Hunger and allows you to make a food donation to help the most deprived people eat daily, healthy meals. The aim of the campaign is to end hunger and malnutrition among children and senior citizens and help them live healthier and more self-sufficient lives.
Support Mission: Feed The Hungry
Here are 5 ways that your food donation of nutritious meals can empower the lives of underprivileged children and elders in India:
1. Food promotes good health
Food that is nutritious is essential for good human health. The 5 basic food groups are: fruits, vegetables, grains, meat and dairy and it is recommended that foods from each of these groups be consumed each day to provide strength, build immunity, repair cells and tissue, aid organ development and function, and fight infections and disease. It is only with the regular intake of healthy food that humans can function properly and carry out their day-to-day functions. With sufficient and healthy food, people can be in better health and live to their full life expectancy.
2. Food promotes education
Without food, children are unable to go to school. Their bodies are too weak to travel to and remain in their classrooms for the entire day. Moreover, their concentration levels are affected due to the lack of food that is required to be mentally sharp. As a result, children from poor backgrounds have no choice but to drop out of school and are thus denied an education, which keeps them trapped in poverty. But eating regular and nutritious meals helps children get the physical energy and mental acuity to concentrate, study, learn, study and get an education.
3. Food promotes employment
The lack of food renders people unable to concentrate, move, and perform their duties, such as going to work and carrying out their responsibilities. The inability to work leads to unemployment which renders people unable to house, feed, clothe or look after themselves and their dependents. The regular intake of healthy food provides the proper nutrition and strength required to seek and maintain employment and develop the mental sharpness needed to carry out work tasks whether they are physical or mental in nature and be productive.
4. Food promotes self-sufficiency
Breaking the cycle of poverty begins by helping people with the most basic form of assistance: food to keep them alive. Once people are physically and mentally able to pick themselves up and work toward improving themselves through education and employment, their lives take a turn for the better and they are able to discover and reach their full potential. With proper nutrition, people from disadvantaged backgrounds who lack their basic needs can be placed on a path toward a brighter future because they now have the tools and resources to do so.
5. Food build communities and nations
Eating regular and nutritious meals helps individuals have the strength to access opportunities that will allow them to develop communication skills, life skills and other attributes to help them participate in society and become changemakers. We will never know the potential of individuals unless they are given a chance to succeed, and the first step toward this is good health. When all people have opportunities to contribute, this strengthens the economic workforce of the country and helps build the nation.
Support Mission: Feed The Hungry
When you partner with Mission: Feed The Hungry, your food donation will help procure, prepare and pack regular and nutritious meals for underprivileged children and elders who are suffering from starvation. To donate to Mission: Feed The Hungry you can donate here:
Support Mission: Feed The Hungry
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Shirley has been in the development sector for over 10 years and is passionate about making a change in the world around her, including adopting dogs and writing to make a difference.
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