IN a society plagued by the heinous crime of acid attacks, Acid Survivors Saahas Foundation is an NGO for women that stands as a guiding light of hope and resilience. Founded in 2016 by Daulat Bi Khan, herself a survivor of an acid attack, this NGO for women has been at the forefront of empowering acid attack survivors and reshaping their lives. Starting with a modest initiative to support a few victims, the NGO for women has grown exponentially and now extends its helping hand to over 50 survivors across four states in India, with its headquarters situated in Mumbai. Let’s explore the journey of Acid Survivors Saahas Foundation, highlighting its impactful work and the indomitable spirit of its founder, Daulat Bi Khan.

A survivor’s vision

Daulat Bi Khan, the driving force behind Acid Survivors Saahas Foundation, is not just a survivor but a victor in the truest sense. Her personal experience with the devastating consequences of an acid attack motivated her to establish this NGO for women. In a heartfelt pursuit of empowering fellow survivors, Daulat has turned her pain into a source of strength, leading an organization that stands tall against the horrors of acid violence.

Daulat’s traumatic experience

Daulat’s journey from a victim to a champion began with a traumatic incident that changed her life forever. Recounting the horrifying incident, she shares, “The moment the acid hit my skin, I felt as if ice-cold water had been thrown on me. And within a second, the burning began. My arms and legs had just melted away.” The perpetrator of this heinous act was none other than her brother-in-law, and the attack also affected two of her sisters and a one-year-old niece.

Coming from a financially disadvantaged background, Daulat and her sisters were unable to afford the necessary medical treatments. She recalls, “We were unable to arrange for a lot of money. Although we were in a government hospital, we still had to pay ₹200 per day for the room. We had to leave the hospital with sore wounds. I didn’t have any medicine, and my body kept rotting away.” The situation became so dire that doctors declared her dead and took her to the morgue, only for her heartbeat to miraculously return, giving her a second chance at life.

A new purpose in life

Daulat’s miraculous survival became a turning point in her life. Instead of succumbing to the pain and despair, she found a renewed purpose – her NGO for women who are acid attack survivors like herself. Her life-altering experience fueled her determination to create a support system for acid attack survivors who, like her, faced not only physical scars but also the harsh realities of societal neglect. To support Acid Survivors Saahas Foundation, you can donate here!

Establishing Acid Survivors Saahas Foundation, an NGO for women 

With an unwavering commitment to making a difference, Daulat Bi Khan founded Acid Survivors Saahas Foundation in 2016. The NGO for women started with a humble mission to support three to four acid attack survivors. Over the years, it has expanded its reach and impact, covering more than 50 survivors across four states in India. The headquarters of the NGO for women is in Mumbai and serves as the nerve center for its multifaceted efforts to rehabilitate and empower survivors.

Comprehensive support for survivors

Acid Survivors Saahas Foundation is not an NGO for women that is limited to providing immediate relief; it is a holistic support system that addresses various aspects of a survivor’s life. The NGO for women ensures that victims receive essential medical care, including life-changing surgeries to reconstruct damaged body parts. Beyond medical support, the NGO for women extends its assistance to cover shelter, food, legal aid, educational and employment opportunities and even rental aid.

However, the extensive support provided by the foundation comes at a cost. Daulat, despite her unwavering dedication, cannot bear the financial burden alone. In a heartfelt plea, she urges everyone to contribute generously to the cause, emphasizing the need for urgent surgeries and ongoing support for survivors.

Challenges faced by acid attack survivors

The aftermath of an acid attack extends far beyond the physical injuries. Survivors often grapple with psychological trauma, social ostracization and economic hardships. Acid Survivors Saahas Foundation is an NGO for women that recognizes these multifaceted challenges and works tirelessly to address each aspect.

One of the significant hurdles survivors face is the societal stigma associated with their appearance. The NGO for women not only facilitates physical reconstruction but also invests in the mental and emotional well-being of survivors, offering counseling and psychological support. By fostering a sense of community and empowerment, Acid Survivors Saahas Foundation aims to dismantle the discriminatory attitudes that survivors often encounter.

The role of education and employment

Education and employment opportunities play a pivotal role in the rehabilitation of acid attack survivors. Acid Survivors Saahas Foundation understands that providing survivors with the means to stand on their own feet is crucial for their long-term empowerment. The NGO for women actively engages in educational initiatives, ensuring that survivors have access to schooling and vocational training. By equipping them with skills and knowledge, the NGO for women opens doors to sustainable livelihoods, breaking the cycle of dependence.

Legal advocacy and awareness

Beyond individual support, Acid Survivors Saahas Foundation engages in legal advocacy to address the root causes of acid attacks. The NGO for women raises awareness about the gravity of acid violence, advocating for stricter regulations and penalties against perpetrators. By collaborating with legal experts and activists, the NGO contributes to the ongoing fight against acid attacks on a systemic level.

Call to action

As Acid Survivors Saahas Foundation continues its commendable work, the call for support becomes more urgent than ever. Daulat Bi Khan’s journey from a survivor to a catalyst for change exemplifies the resilience of the human spirit. By rallying behind the NGO for women, individuals and communities can contribute to the transformation of lives, giving survivors not just a chance at physical recovery but also the opportunity to reclaim their dignity, independence, and rightful place in society.

Acid Survivors Saahas Foundation stands as a testament to the power of compassion and collective action in the face of unimaginable adversity. Through its tireless efforts, this NGO for women not only restores the lives of survivors but also challenges the societal norms that perpetuate such acts of violence. As we reflect on Daulat Bi Khan’s inspiring journey, let us join hands in supporting Acid Survivors Saahas Foundation, paving the way for a future free from the shadows of acid attacks. To support Acid Survivors Saahas Foundation, you can donate here!

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