HUNGER, malnutrition and starvation are as much a reality in today’s world as is the express pace of economic growth. Even to this date millions of underprivileged people go to bed on an empty stomach and children scavenge for scraps of food. Seeing the struggles of poverty from close quarters Zeeshan Majeed despite having a bright future in the corporate world decided to quit his well paying job and dedicate his life to serve the less fortunate. From witnessing a life-altering accident to orchestrating a formidable NGO, his journey is a testament to the power of empathy, compassion and an organisation’s potential to bring about change.

Early Beginnings and Discovery of Purpose

Zeeshan’s life took a significant turn on an ordinary day in Kolkata. As he made his way to work, fate intervened, leading him to a scene that would forever alter his perspective. Near the Sealdah railway station, he stumbled upon a young boy, injured and unconscious following an accident. Amid the chaos, Zeeshan noticed something peculiar—an attempt by rag-pickers to snatch his belongings amidst the turmoil. Overcoming his apprehension, he rushed the injured boy to a nearby hospital.

The hospital visit exposed Zeeshan to the plight of rural residents from impoverished backgrounds, who travel to Kolkata for medical treatment but often lack the means to secure basic necessities. Touched by their struggles, Zeeshan embarked on a mission to provide sustenance and care to these vulnerable individuals. He shared his vision with his mother, who readily agreed to cook meals for 40 people. This marked the inception of a noble endeavour that would soon evolve into the Anti-Hunger Squad Foundation.

A Steadfast Commitment and Early Challenges

The journey was not without its challenges. What began as a modest effort to feed 40 people quickly gained momentum, attracting over 500 hungry individuals. With the support of friends, family, and social media, Zeeshan expanded his reach, increasing food production to accommodate the growing demand. In May 2018, the Anti-Hunger Squad Foundation officially came into being, initiating a weekly event known as ‘Dawat E Aam’ at the NRS Hospital. The menu featured vegetarian meals to cater to the diverse backgrounds of the recipients.

Empowering the Marginalised

Zeeshan’s unwavering commitment extended beyond providing meals. The Anti-Hunger Squad Foundation’s impact reverberated across the community. During the Covid-19 lockdown, the organisation’s efforts intensified, distributing over 1000 ration kits to Kolkata’s Sonagachi, an area known for its sex workers. Additionally, the ‘Secret Santa’ project was launched, ensuring discreet delivery of ration kits to those in need. Amid the pandemic, Zeeshan’s organisation extended its support by providing masks, medicines, and even oxygen cylinders to those in dire need.

Overcoming Challenges During the Pandemic

The Covid-19 pandemic brought forth unprecedented challenges, particularly in maintaining safety protocols and social distancing while feeding the hungry. Zeeshan’s innovative approach involved collaborating with the Kolkata police, who provided essential assistance in ensuring orderly queues and adherence to Covid norms. Through this partnership, thousands of people received sustenance during a time of crisis.

Words of Wisdom and Future Aspirations

For those considering starting their own charitable initiatives, Zeeshan offers a resounding piece of advice: “Believe in yourself; when there is a will, there is a way.” He emphasises the importance of good intentions and the inherent support that emerges when one’s efforts are aligned with the greater good.

As for the future, Zeeshan envisions a hunger-free India. With an ambitious goal to eradicate hunger and malnutrition, he plans to organise free food camps nationwide and collaborate with other NGOs to amplify the impact. Zeeshan’s journey is a testament to the boundless potential of one individual’s compassion and determination to effect positive change in society.

Zeeshan Majeed’s journey from a chance encounter on the streets of Kolkata to the founder of the Anti-Hunger Squad Foundation is an inspiring tale of resilience, empathy, and unwavering commitment. His efforts have transformed the lives of countless individuals, offering not only sustenance but also a glimmer of hope in times of adversity. As Zeeshan’s story continues to unfold, his legacy serves as a reminder that even in the face of daunting challenges, a single act of kindness has the power to ripple into a wave of transformation.

How to Support the Cause

If you’re inspired by Zeeshan Majeed’s story and would like to support the Anti-Hunger Squad Foundation’s mission to eliminate hunger and malnutrition in India, you can contribute by spreading awareness, volunteering, or making a donation. Your support can make a significant difference in the lives of those in need, helping to create a brighter, more compassionate future for all.

Remember, as Zeeshan’s journey demonstrates, every small act of kindness has the potential to ignite profound change and uplift communities in the most remarkable ways. To show your support, help Zeeshan raise funds online through and click the link.

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