In the bustling city of Coimbatore, India, lies an NGO that has been transforming the lives of countless underprivileged.
In a country as diverse as India, where poverty remains a pressing issue, NGOs play a vital role in.
CANCER is a significant health concern worldwide and India is no exception. In recent years, cancer has been steadily.
HEALTHCARE in India is a pressing challenge, given the country’s vast population and limited resources. In addressing this issue,.
WORLD Oceans Day is a global celebration held annually on June 8th, dedicated to raising awareness about the importance.
OCEAN pollution is a pressing global issue that poses significant threats to marine ecosystems and human health. India, with.
MALNUTRITION remains a pressing issue affecting millions of children in India and leads to severe physical and cognitive developmental.
WORLD Food Safety Day is an annual event celebrated on June 7th to raise awareness about the importance of.
THE issue of abandonment among the elderly is a growing concern in India since it has serious consequences on.
INDIA is witnessing an alarming rise in the number of abandoned elderly citizens among its population of over 100.
CLIMATE change is a global crisis with far-reaching consequences, and India is one of the most vulnerable countries to.
ISSUES related to the environment have become pressing concerns in India, leading to the emergence of numerous non-governmental organizations.
THE World Environment Day (WED) is a day to raise awareness and take action for the environment and an.
CORPORATE Social Responsibility (CSR) is a company’s requirement to act in a manner that benefits society. This comprises promoting.
MOST of us take water for granted – whether we use it for drinking, cooking, bathing, washing clothes and.
SINCE the beginning of time, people have always found ways to help others who are less fortunate than themselves..
IMAGINE a space where social sector leaders can pitch their ideas to potential investors, just like on the popular.
WHILE nonprofits play a vital role in making the world a better, more inclusive place, they have to deal.
AS a donor, one of the most rewarding aspects of giving to a non-profit organisation is the knowledge that.
FUNDRAISING through online platforms helps people from anywhere in the world to donate to a cause they believe in..
THE process of approaching individuals, companies, and foundations for donations through a variety of digital and traditional communication methods.
GIVE has acquired Goodera India’s leading Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) business, a global leader in CSR grant management platform,.
IN the inaugural year of Give’s partnership with US-based Indiaspora – a nonprofit inspiring the global Indian diaspora to.
AN Internship stint at Samarthanam Trust for The Disabled in Bangalore had a profound impact on Alina Alam with.
WATER is the source of all life. Whether humans, plants, animals or insects, no living organism can survive without.