Category: charitable giving

  • Keeping the spirit of pandemic giving alive

    Keeping the spirit of pandemic giving alive

    WHEN the devastating COVID-19 pandemic spread to India, people were faced with an unknown virus and a sudden nationwide lockdown. This trapped people, mostly migrant laborers, thousands of kilometers from their homes with no way back. The country also witnessed people, companies and entire communities step forward in the spirit of giving to donate their…

  • 10 ways of giving back this Christmas

    10 ways of giving back this Christmas

    TALKING about giving, former Prime Minister of Great Britain, Sir Winston Churchill, said: “We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” There isn’t a better time to give than during the holiday season of Christmas and the run up to the New Year. Worldwide charitable giving increases…

  • 10 random acts of kindness you could do today

    10 random acts of kindness you could do today

    THERE is no better way to connect with the world than doing small acts of kindness. You never know how the act can have a snowball effect, encouraging everyone to do the same, translating to a better world for all. February 17 is observed as Random Acts of Kindness Day to celebrate the kindness of…

  • Giving back & charitable donations to celebrate weddings

    Encouraging guests to make charitable donations instead of giving gifts is a great way mark a special occasion

  • Donate to charity like this man who gave away 1850 crores

    Dr.Vyakarnam Sastry believes in giving back our wealth to those who truly need it and donate it to charity

  • Donating as a habit

    We have realized that it isn’t enough to simply donate once. We need to do more. Find a program you want to support and subscribe to donate monthly. Make donating your new good habit!

  • 5 Reasons to include donations in your tax planning

    IT’s tax season and honestly it is no one’s favourite time of the year. And you, most probably are looking for ways on how to save tax. There are several ways that the tax man lets you do this. Providing for your family and safeguarding your future is one way. Tuition fees, home loan interests,…

  • 3 Reasons why donations should be a part of your financial plan

    It is that time of the year when everyone is setting out or in the process of planning for their taxes. While we were thinking of how best to grow our base of committed and smart donors, Sqrrl, a fintech company approached us for a partnership. Their app helps people across the country with goal-based…

  • Battle of the Buffet-Feasting to the Power of Giving

    Who could have thought that entertainment and food can play major drivers in charitable works? Battle of the Buffet is one such annual fundraising event jointly organized by CIOSA, Chennai Mission, and United Way Chennai. It facilitates fundraising for the participating charities, subsequently helping them in expanding their supporter base through active networking. Since its…

  • Poverty in India-A Malady of Years

    The history of India is replete with tales of over-pouring prosperity and brilliant riches. They tell us of how the Taj Mahal once stood embellished with precious stones and diamonds. We are told how the rich people fed their cattle dry fruits for scented meat. As we move forward into our study of India’s past,…