THE impact of generous donations to NGOs on in 2023-24 is widespread and diverse, bringing about a transformation in the lives of 39 lakh individuals plus their families and communities. In the past year, the charitable contributions of a diverse group of donors on enabled 997 NGOs to address urgent needs such as aid in disaster zones as well as long-term efforts such as afforestation programs to mitigate the effects of climate change. 

In this 2023-24 impact report video, we present a snapshot of the impact that was made in areas such as education, crimes against women, animal rescue and environmental protection. While there are many numbers to take in, behind each number is a name, behind each name is a story and behind each story is a valuable life that matters. Watch our 2023-24 impact report video here:

Education for children in need

Education is the foundation on which children from underprivileged communities  can change the course of their lives, from desperation to fulfillment. In 2023-24, donations to allowed lakhs of children to go to school. Of special significance are the tens of thousands of girls and special needs children who are now in their classrooms after having been denied an education due to social discrimination, or a lack of finances and specialized teaching. In addition to the academic benefits, children were also served nutritious midday meals to improve their health and provide a strong incentive to continue their education. 

  • 4,74,748 children and youth educated
  • 49,052 girls in school
  • 3,712 special needs children educated 
  • 20,928 school children served midday meals

school girls in a classroom

Care for the destitute

Life’s most basic necessities include a home to live in, regular meals and people to support us. It is unbearable without this, but even more so for senior citizens. But there are millions of elders across India who are destitute, homeless and have been abandoned by their families. The compassion of’s donors enabled our partner NGOs to empower the lives of more than 100,000 destitute people living on the streets including tens of thousands abandoned by their families. These elders are given safe shelter, daily nutritious meals, basic necessities and personal care to help them rebuild their lives after the heartbreak of abandonment. 

  • 1 lakh homeless and destitute people assisted
  • 28,529 destitute people given shelter
  • 1,08,248  people provided food
  • 8,114 people received survival kits and other essentials

an old homeless man eating on the ground

Protection to sex trafficking survivors

It is said that the worst form of violence against girls and women is sexual violence, which places victims in a state of helplessness and leaves them in pursuit of justice, which often never comes.’s donors recognize this and their donations helped NGOs conduct rescue operations in red light districts to save thousands trapped in forced sex work across India. Once freed, the girls and women are set on a path toward recovery with services such as trauma counseling and intensive support. Our partner NGOs also rehabilitate the girls and women to help them rebuild their futures and create a bright and hopeful future filled with opportunities.  

  • 12,166 victims of abuse given care and protection
  • 2,015 rescued from forced sex work
  • 10,151 given shelter, food and counseling

Aid for disaster victims

Natural disasters and accidents turn lives upside down in an instant, leaving many scrambling for help and in need of urgent aid. In 2023-24,’s donors responded to urgent calls for help after the deadly Coromandel Express train accident in Odisha in June 2023. Their immediate donations enabled NGOs on ground to provide medical aid, food, water and shelter to affected people. Landslides affected Himachal Pradesh and floods ravaged Assam and Tamil Nadu in 2023. But our donors’ quick response enabled NGOs to swiftly arrive on the scene to deliver emergency humanitarian assistance to affected individuals.

  • 500 children rescued and given immediate care
  • 3,642 victims of disaster received aid

a train accident

Healthcare for the underprivileged

Illness and disease do more than cause immense physical suffering; poor health reduces the quality of life and causes mental and emotional anguish. But for those who cannot afford medical care, their condition worsens and the most important thing of all is lost: hope. Because of donations made to in 2023-24, more than 100,000 marginalized people received access to healthcare. In addition to those in financial need, tens of thousands of women and terminally ill patients received medical attention, nutritious meals and support to help them build their strength to better recover from their medical conditions. 

  • 1,11,670 provided healthcare
  • 29,822 were women beneficiaries
  • 28,170 terminally ill supported with medical intervention

two doctors in a surgical theater

Skills training to low-income groups

Unemployment leads to a loss of purpose and sets in motion a cycle of poverty that impacts future generations. In 2023-24 donations from’s generous supporters enabled NGOs to support around thousands of people, including young individuals, with skills training that set them on the path toward job readiness. This included programs for people with disabilities, who require specialized training and support to build their confidence and compete on the job market. Of special consequence was the training given in alternative agricultural practices to ensure a steady income for farmers who suffer loss due to agricultural failure. 

  • 27,000 people benefited from skills training
  • 3,279 youth were given job skills training
  • 7,214 persons with disabilities received livelihood support
  • 2,562 farmers trained in sustainable agricultural practices

two farmers ploughing the field

Welfare for animals in distress

Innocent animals on the streets and factory farms suffer at the hands of people who disregard them as living beings. Due to mistreatment, these animals are maimed, disfigured and even killed without reason. The generous donations made to contributed to NGO efforts to help animals in need of rescue and bring them to places with safe shelter, medical attention, nutritious food and enough space that resembles their natural habitat. Our NGO partners also take their time to ensure that rescued animals and abandoned pets receive not just their basic needs, but also, care and affection to rebuild trust with humans once again.  

  • 40,000 animals found safety, shelter and care
  • 6,440 animals received medical treatment
  • 38,865 animals rescued and given shelter

an NGO team treating an injured dog

Support for a cleaner environment

Deforestation and various forms of pollution leave a devastating footprint on the Earth that results in increased temperatures, air pollution, landslides and other natural disasters. In 2023-24, donations made to’s environmental NGOs led to around 50,000 trees being planted – a major step toward reversing the effects of global warming and choking air pollution in India, which contains the world’s most polluted cities. NGOs were also able to restore water bodies to give communities access to clean drinking water and a sufficient supply of water intended for agricultural use. 

  • 50,000 trees planted 
  • 1,11,315 people benefited from rejuvenated water bodies

Peepal Baba planting trees

Because of our charitable donors, made an impact in 2023-24 that changed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in a positive and sustainable manner. Our NGO partners, across a wide range of causes, had the support needed to uplift and empower the lives of those in need. But there is still more to be done. With your support to fundraisers, and our NGO partners can continue to impact lives. We invite you to be a part of this giving journey – one donation at a time. 


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