IN a world where innocence is often overshadowed by child cruelty, there is an NGO for girls that chooses to be the guiding light for innocent children trapped in the darkness of child sexual abuse. Witnessing the alarming surge in cases of the sexual abuse of children and the devastating impact it has on young and innocent lives, Preetham Rodrigues founded Inchara Foundation and embarked on a journey to create a haven of safety and healing for girls who are victims of sexual abuse. Thus, the NGO for girls was born and now offers solace to over 15 minor girls who are victims of child sexual abuse. Despite facing financial challenges, Preetham has tirelessly kept the shelter home operational, but the future hangs in the balance. This blog sheds light on the commendable work of the NGO for girls, the challenges it faces and the urgent need for support to sustain its crucial mission.

What is child sexual abuse?

Child sexual abuse is a pervasive issue that transcends geographical boundaries, socio-economic classes and cultural divides. According to Preetham Rodrigues, almost 90% of abuse cases involve perpetrators known to the child and are often family members of the child. Contrary to popular belief, child sex abuse infiltrates every section of society. However, as the NGO for girls shares, the stigma attached to it often prevents victims from seeking help since they face accusations and shame from their own families and communities.

The genesis of Inchara Foundation

In response to this dire need for intervention, Preetham Rodrigues founded Inchara Foundation after he recognized the absence of specialized institutions equipped to cater to the unique needs of child sex abuse victims. The NGO for girls who are victims of sexual abuse began its mission by conducting sensitization campaigns in schools and reached over 50,000 individuals including students, teachers and parents. The proactive approach of this NGO for girls aimed to break the cycle of silence and shame surrounding child sex abuse and foster an environment where abuse victims can find support and healing. To support Inchara Foundation, you can donate here

Therapy as the cure

Preetham emphasizes the crucial role of therapy in helping child sex abuse victims overcome the mental and physical trauma of abuse. Inchara Foundation’s team of dedicated counselors provides essential therapeutic support at the home and offers a safe space for victims to process their experiences and begin the journey to recovery. The NGO for girls who are victims of sexual abuse goes beyond immediate relief and provides victims with skills training, education and the nurturing care needed to rebuild their lives.

The need of this fundraiser

Currently, Inchara foundation operates its shelter home in a rented space, facing the constant and imminent threat of closure due to financial constraints. Despite the challenges, Preetham’s determination to provide a lifeline for these vulnerable girls remains unwavering. The sustainability of Inchara Foundation’s operations hinges on the support of compassionate donors willing to contribute to the noble cause of this NGO for girls who are victims of sexual abuse. To support Inchara Foundation, you can donate here.

a group of children with the founder of an NGO

Priya’s story of despair and hope

One of the poignant stories that encapsulates the impact of Inchara Foundation’s work is that of a young girl named Priya (name changed) who was raped by her neighbor. Traumatized and rendered speechless by her horrific ordeal, Priya found refuge in Inchara Foundation and slowly began to take steps toward recovery. Through the simple act of providing her with a pen and paper, counselors at the NGO for girls helped Priya express her pain through drawings. 

Even though she refused to speak about what had happened to her, the counsellers method of art therapy helped give her an avenue to express her emotions. In her painting, she drew the forest where she was raped. Next to the forest, she drew the open well where she had been planning to jump and commit suicide. Once the professional counsellers saw her drawing, she understood her pain and was better equipped to help her recover from her trauma. The NGO for girls gave her urgent medical care, counseling and a nurturing home, offering Priya a chance to heal and rebuild her life.

Inchara Foundation’s call for donors

To sustain and expand its operations, Inchara Foundation relies on the generosity of compassionate donors like you to cover its critical expenses. Donations to the fundraiser of this NGO for girls who are victims of sexual abuse are allocated for essential needs such as rent for the shelter home, nutritious meals and snacks for the children, school and college fees, utilities, staff salaries, recreational activities, workshops and maintenance of the home. Each contribution to Inchara Foundation plays a pivotal role in providing a safe haven for survivors, empowering them to overcome the trauma of abuse and build a brighter future.

The urgency of supporting this NGO for girls who are recovering from sexual abuse cannot be overstated. Without adequate funds, the organization risks being unable to maintain its shelter home, leaving vulnerable girls without a refuge from the horrors they’ve endured. The ripple effect of child sexual abuse extends far beyond immediate trauma; it perpetuates cycles of pain, affecting individuals and communities for generations. By supporting Inchara Foundation, compassionate donors become catalysts for change, breaking these cycles and offering hope to those who need it most. 

Support Inchara Foundation on

Inchara Foundation stands as a leading and compassionate NGO for girls who need support in overcoming the trauma of sexual abuse. In the fight against child abuse, Inchara Foundation provides not just shelter but a comprehensive support system for victims to reclaim their lives. Preetham Rodrigues’s dedication and Inchara Foundation’s impactful initiatives have already made a difference in the lives of many girls but the journey is far from over. As the NGO for girls faces financial challenges it calls upon compassionate individuals to join the fight, ensuring that the doors of the shelter home remain open and the mission to end child sex abuse continues with unwavering strength and resilience. To support Inchara Foundation, you can donate here


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