WHEN you donate to an NGO that is dedicated to making progress in the area of empowering girls in India, you enable countless girls to improve their lives. International Day of the Girl Child is celebrated on October 11th and serves as a global reminder of the unique challenges faced by girls and young women. In India, this day carries particular significance due to the complex socio-cultural landscape, where gender disparities persist. While strides have been made, girls in India continue to grapple with issues like child marriage, limited access to education, gender-based violence and economic inequality.

NGOs have emerged as vital agents of change in addressing these challenges. They play a pivotal role in improving the lives of girls in India in several ways. When a person decides to donate to one of these NGOs, they are making a decision to transform the lives of girls forever.

Here are 5 NGOs empowering girls that you can donate to:


Founded in 1992 in Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, Snehalaya is an inspiring NGO addressing the heart-wrenching injustices within red light districts. The women and their children in these areas endure unimaginable suffering, with young girls often being subjected to heinous acts of abuse and violence. Snehalaya’s mission is to rescue these children from this grim reality and provide them with a safe and nurturing childhood.

Over the past three decades, Snehalaya has made a significant impact, rescuing over 1,100 girls from lives of unspeakable abuse within brothels. These girls are offered a loving home, access to education, and crucial medical care. Furthermore, the organization has extended its support to more than 20,000 children, offering them a chance at a brighter future. Snehalaya’s unwavering commitment to rescuing and rehabilitating these vulnerable children exemplifies their dedication to combating the harrowing conditions they face in red light areas, giving hope and a second chance at life. To support Snehalaya, you can donate here

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Every Girl in School

In India, education is an essential right for all children, yet countless girls from impoverished, illiterate families are unjustly denied this privilege. Shockingly, by the time they reach adolescence, 40% of these girls are out of school, relegated to household chores. Give’s Mission: Every Girl in School is a commendable initiative dedicated to changing this narrative. By covering the costs of school fees, books, uniforms, and other educational expenses, this mission empowers thousands of girls to access quality education.

This initiative, fueled by the generosity of individuals, invites people to donate and become part of the solution. By contributing to this fundraiser, one plays an active role in ensuring that every girl in India has the opportunity to receive an education, breaking the cycle of inequality and providing a brighter future for these girls. Give’s Mission: Every Girl in School is a powerful testament to the transformative impact of collective action in advancing gender equality and education for all. To support Mission: Every Girl in School, you can donate here.

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Guria, a non-profit organization based in Northern India, fights against child prostitution, second-generation prostitution, trafficking of women and forced labor or sexual exploitation of children. The NGO’s overarching mission is to create a world free from these pervasive vices, liberating women and their children from the clutches of brothels and the criminal networks that exploit them with impunity. Guria’s strategy revolves around a two-pronged approach. Firstly, they focus on rescue and legal intervention, offering a lifeline to victims trapped in the horrors of human trafficking and forced prostitution. When you donate to Guria, it allows the NGO to provide crucial support to aging survivors and adolescents, empowering them to escape the cycle of victimhood.

Advocacy for improved government policies and law enforcement pertaining to trafficking and prostitution is another pivotal aspect of Guria’s work. By seeking justice for survivors and facilitating their rehabilitation, Guria is not just a source of hope but a powerful catalyst for positive change, striving to create a safer, more equitable future for those affected by these deeply entrenched issues. To support Guria, you can donate here.

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Educate Girls

Educate Girls addresses a pressing issue in India, where millions of girls are denied access to education, rendering them socially and economically marginalized. Without education, these girls face discrimination, early marriages and a bleak future. Educate Girls is on a mission to break this cycle of poverty and inequality through education. Their approach is both innovative and effective. By reforming government schools and promoting community ownership, the NGO makes the most of existing resources, empowering rural communities and mobilizing local youth volunteers as education advocates. The outcome is nothing short of transformative: improved enrolment rates exceeding 90%, reduced drop-out rates, and enhanced learning outcomes for girls in marginalized areas.

Recognized as one of the most cost-effective and sustainable models in the country, Educate Girls offers a unique opportunity for donors to make a life-changing impact when they donate. The NGO’s work is not just about education; it’s about providing a path to a brighter, more independent future for thousands of girls, giving them the chance to attend school and remain on the path to success. To support Educate Girls, you can donate here

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Aarti for Girls

Aarti For Girls was founded in 1992 based on an incident involving a three-year-old girl who was abandoned due to domestic abuse and dowry harassment. The NGO’s silent crusade against injustice has grown stronger over the last two decades, touching the lives of over 100,000 women and children in the district. Aarti For Girls operates a multifaceted approach, encompassing Aarti Home, Aarti School, Aarti Education, Lalitha Women’s Centre and Lalitha Advocacy. The NGO provides refuge to abandoned girl children, offers quality education to those unable to afford it, empowers women economically through counseling and training and tirelessly advocates against gender discrimination while championing the cause of the girl child.

Aarti For Girls leverages resources, attention and funds to create a more equitable and just community, focusing on the welfare and rights of the girl child. Their relentless efforts exemplify a profound commitment to fighting against injustice and promoting the well-being of women and children. To support Aarti For Girls, you can donate here

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Donate to NGOs this International Day of the Girl Child

International Day of the Girl Child in India is a call to action for NGOs to continue their crucial work in uplifting the lives of girls. Through education, advocacy, economic empowerment and support services, these organizations can drive significant positive change, fostering a brighter future for girls across the nation and ultimately, fostering greater gender equality in society. Donate to these 5 incredible NGOs and make a difference in the lives of the girl child.


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