a group of elderly people sitting around a table as a part of Agewell Foundation's initiatives

Agewell Foundation: empowering and uplifting older people

AGEWELL Foundation provides an effective solution in a world where the demographic landscape is rapidly changing and the needs and rights of older adults often take a back seat. It is in this context that Agewell Foundation, a not-for-profit organization founded in 1999, has emerged as a source of support for the elderly population in India. Over the years, Agewell Foundation has tirelessly worked to empower and improve the lives of older people. With a nationwide network of dedicated volunteers, the organization interacts with over 25,000 older individuals on a daily basis. The remarkable journey of Agewell Foundation has led to multiple affiliations and projects that have made a positive impact on the lives of older citizens.

Empowering projects for older persons 

Agewell Foundation’s impact on the lives of older people extends beyond its affiliations. The organization has initiated a wide range of projects that directly address the needs and rights of older individuals.

Helplines: Agewell Foundation operates helplines that provide older adults with a lifeline to assistance and support. These helplines offer guidance on various issues, including legal matters, health concerns and social services.

Employment exchange for older persons: Recognizing the value of older adults in the workforce, Agewell Foundation established an employment exchange dedicated to connecting older individuals with job opportunities. This initiative not only provides financial stability but also combats ageism in the job market.

Research and advocacy: Agewell Foundation’s commitment to evidence-based advocacy is reflected in its Research and Advocacy Centre. This institution conducts research to identify the evolving needs of older people and advocates for policy changes based on empirical data.

Share the Warmth campaign: The “Share the Warmth” campaign, organized by Agewell Foundation, addresses the critical issue of winter-related hardships faced by older adults. This initiative distributes warm clothing and blankets to protect vulnerable seniors from the harsh winter cold.

Distribution of healthcare equipment and free food packets: Agewell Foundation goes above and beyond to ensure the well-being of older individuals by distributing essential healthcare equipment such as adult diapers and free food packets to elderly citizens.

Digital literacy program: In today’s increasingly digital world, Agewell Foundation recognizes the importance of digital literacy. The organization offers programs to teach older adults digital skills, enabling them to stay connected and participate in the digital age – donate to their fundraiser here.

Impact on older persons

The impact of Agewell Foundation’s initiatives on the lives of older adults is immeasurable. By offering support through helplines and employment opportunities, the organization empowers older individuals to lead more fulfilling lives. The Research and Advocacy Centre ensures that the voices of older people are heard in the formulation of policies and programs that directly affect them.

The “Share the Warmth” campaign not only provides physical warmth but also brings warmth to the hearts of those it touches, demonstrating that compassion and solidarity are vital in addressing the challenges faced by older citizens. The distribution of healthcare equipment and free food packets not only meets immediate needs but also offers a sense of security and care to the destitute elderly. Furthermore, the digital literacy program equips older adults with the skills they need to navigate an increasingly digital world, reducing isolation and enhancing their overall quality of life – donate to their fundraiser here.

Collaboration with government bodies

Agewell Foundation’s dedication to its mission is further evident through its collaboration with various government bodies in India. The organization is actively associated with the Working Group on Awareness and Capacity Building for Senior Citizens, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment. This partnership underscores Agewell Foundation’s role as a crucial stakeholder in shaping policies and programs for the elderly. Additionally, Agewell Foundation is a part of the Sub-Group on Elderly Care, under NITI Aayog’s CSOs Standing Committee. This affiliation reflects the organization’s commitment to addressing the unique challenges faced by older adults and influencing strategic decisions at the highest levels of government.

Furthermore, Agewell Foundation contributes to the Committee of Experts on the “Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on human rights and future response,” organized by the National Human Rights Commission. In a time when the pandemic disproportionately affected older individuals, Agewell Foundation’s involvement in this committee showcases its dedication to advocating for the rights and well-being of the elderly during times of crisis.

ECOSOC recognition and UN affiliation

One of the milestones that highlight Agewell Foundation’s commitment to its cause is its recognition by the United Nations. In 2011, the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) granted Special Consultative Status to Agewell Foundation at the United Nations. This prestigious recognition acknowledges the organization’s outstanding contributions to the welfare of older adults. As a result of this status, Agewell Foundation is associated with the Department of Public Information, United Nations, further enhancing its global reach and influence.

Support Agewell Foundation’s fundraiser

Agewell Foundation’s journey since its inception in 1999 is a testament to the positive impact that dedicated individuals and organizations can have on society. Its affiliation with the United Nations and collaboration with government bodies underscore its influential role in advocating for the rights and welfare of older adults.

Through a wide range of projects and initiatives, Agewell Foundation has consistently demonstrated its commitment to empowering and uplifting older individuals. From providing essential support through helplines to advocating for policy changes based on research, Agewell Foundation has made a significant difference in the lives of older adults across India.

As we move forward into an era where the aging population continues to grow, the work of organizations like Agewell Foundation becomes increasingly vital. Their dedication to ensuring that older adults live with dignity, respect, and the support they need sets an inspiring example for all of us to follow in the quest for a more inclusive and compassionate society. To support Agewell Foundation, you can donate here.

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