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An Inclusive, Eco-Friendly Livelihood support for the Persons with Intellectual Disabilities and Mentally Ill.

Campaign by ARVI Trust- Association for Rehabilitation of Village and Impairment Trust

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At present, the existing available schemes are addressing only the welfare items like supply of aids and appliances and maintenance grants. No one is even speak about their sustainable livelihood. By launching this Dairy Development program we can set up a new model for the livelihood openings and may stand as a role model.

  1. To ensure employment and empowerment of 40 IC (intellectually challenged) personals through computer training.
  2. To ensure more attention on IC from their care givers.
  3. To ensure recognition among society and to improve/Up scaling the life style
  4. To enable the IC personnel for less dependency, more self-esteem and stood on their own
  5. To enable the IC personnel lead normal life without any hurdle
  • Manuring plants with using Cow dung.
  • Purchasing Milking machine and Farm equipment’s with Chaff cutter and 2 HP motor.
  • Purchasing of ten Milch Cows.
  • Covering Insurance for Cows and Conducting Cow health care Check-up by Veterinary Doctor.
  • Producing and sale of cow milk and vegetables.
  • The target beneficiaries will have learnt cow breeding, milking cows with modern techniques, production and sale of milk and Vegetable plantation.
  • The trained target people will have known Government schemes supporting Running Diary Farms and developing Horticulture.
  • The workers in the dairy farm will have improved production of milk and sold and by breeding more number of cows in the next phase.
  • Those who work in the dairy farm will have had opportunity and means of improving their income.
  • The target people will have maintain the running of the Dairy farm profitably and the biogas plant.
  • The Low Cost Home will have had electricity from biogas plant. 
  • The area in and around the dairy form will have become eco-friendly.
  • The target people at farm land will have received free, Pure Milk and Organic Vegetables
  • Unexpected loss caused by Cows will have been compensated by Insurance coverage.
  • Project beneficiaries will have acquired basic knowledge on sustainably and successfully running Diary farm, improved income resources and self-sufficient livelihood of their family.
  • Thus the beneficiaries will have gained Inclusive employability and better living.
ARVI Trust- Association for Rehabilitation of Village and Impairment Trust

ARVI Trust- Association for Rehabilitation of Village and Impairment Trust

Beneficiary Charity




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