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Child Rescue and Rehablitation

Campaign by Sahyog Care For You


Child labor, predominantly affecting ages 6 to 17, traps children in low-paid, semi-skilled occupations due to poverty. These young workers often face psychological challenges, manifesting as low self-esteem, highlighting the urgent need for counseling and support to bolster their confidence and well-being.

Moreover, the educational gap among child laborers underscores the vital necessity for interventions to prevent dropout rates and enhance academic performance. Poverty emerges as a key driver of this phenomenon, emphasizing the importance of remedial measures to bridge educational disparities and provide equitable opportunities for vulnerable children.

The consequences of child labor are dire, ranging from physical and mental health risks to exploitation and restricted access to education and healthcare. Despite legal provisions for compensation, rescued child workers often face hurdles in receiving their entitlements, perpetuating their vulnerability. We advocate for their rights and provide assistance to navigate bureaucratic challenges, ensuring they receive the compensation and support they deserve to break free from exploitation and reclaim their childhood.

Join us in our mission to eradicate child labor and secure justice for vulnerable children by advocating for policy reforms, supporting remedial education programs, and providing legal assistance to ensure they receive the compensation and protection they deserve. Together, we can break the chains of exploitation and build a brighter future for every child.

Sahyog Care For You

Sahyog Care For You

Beneficiary Charity

Hrishi Jain

Hrishi Jain


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