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Create Sustainable Livelihoods for Marginalised People

Campaign by My Children Foundation


We are fundraising for a cause close to our heart, to bring a lasting change in the lives of rural population and at the same time we want to promote eco-friendly, organic products.

The creation of rural livelihoods is of paramount importance for several reasons. Here are some of the reasons why rural livelihood creation is significant:

Poverty Alleviation: Rural areas are home to a significant proportion of a country’s poor population. Creating livelihood opportunities in these areas can help alleviate poverty by providing a source of income for individuals and families.

Economic Development: Rural livelihoods contribute to the overall economic development of a country. When people in rural areas have access to employment and income-generating activities, they can contribute to local and national economic growth.

Balanced Regional Development: Promoting rural livelihoods can help counter urbanization and promote balanced regional development. It reduces the migration of people from rural to urban areas in search of better opportunities, which can lead to overcrowding in cities and overdevelopment in certain areas.

Food Security: Rural areas often play a crucial role in food production. By creating livelihoods in agriculture and related sectors, countries can enhance food security by ensuring a stable supply of food.

Environmental Sustainability: Many rural livelihoods are closely tied to agriculture and natural resource management. Sustainable rural livelihoods can promote environmentally responsible practices, ensuring the long-term health of ecosystems and natural resources.

Social Cohesion: When people have opportunities to work and earn a living in their own communities, it can lead to stronger social bonds and community cohesion. This, in turn, can improve the overall quality of life in rural areas.

My Children Foundation intends to take various strategies and approaches to create sustainable livelihood. Upskilling & building responsive supply chain and effective marketing can generate sustainable livelihood in the long run. We will provide rural artisans a platform to sell goods which are made from natural ingredients in a sustainable manner.

To help me create more impact and touch more lives, we need your support and contribution. Please back our fundraiser so that together we can build a better & cleaner world for all of us.

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My Children Foundation

My Children Foundation

Beneficiary Charity

Debashis Majumder

Debashis Majumder


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