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Donate Food for neglected Old Age People in India

Campaign by SERUDS - Sai Educational Rural And Urban Development Society

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Feeding homeless and elderly persons are our one of main objectives of NGO. Helpaged is one of our main goal by feeding them in time food sponsorships. Budhavarapeta slums in Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh have a number of disadvantaged elderly people. Many of them don’t have families to support them and resort to begging for food, while others belong to families where the adult members go off to work leaving them alone at home. Not only do they struggle with the absence of any social and economic security, but with lack of reasonable nutrition as well. These Elderly persons are spending their time at community halls, grave yard, neighbour houses. 30 neglected old age persons are benefiting from this midday meal program. Donate food to feed the hungry old age persons. Your help to the aged in india makes a difference on their lives who are neglected by their sons and daughters.

We have been providing every day nutritious lunch to these 30 destitute older persons since 2009. The hot meals are distributed daily between 1-2pm and include a variety of nutritional foods like steamed cooked rice, dhal, sambhar, mixed vegetable curry, seasonal pickle, etc. This means they no longer have to beg for something that is so readily available to the rest of the world. The plan is to expand this project into other nearby areas as well. By providing nutritious food to the destitute elderly people, they recovered from their ill-health.

The program attempts to eliminate the aged begging in slums of Kurnool, who simply can’t afford to eat, and ensure a daily worth of nutritious meals. With a donation of Rs.5000, you can sponsor a month of midday meals for an elderly person. Help Aged persons by donating an amount of Rs.5000 to feed her one month nutritious meal program. Your donations helps us to feed the hungry old age persons in Andhra Pradesh. Donate elderly for the monthly sponsorships and we update on the utilization of the money through the updates of the project.

Sponsor a poor old age person for one month – Rs.5000/-

Sponsor 30 poor old age persons for one month – Rs.150000/-

Get 80G Tax Exemption By Donation:

- While donating money online to charity through GiveIndia you are eligible to claim tax exemption under section 80G of Income Tax Act, 1961.

- All Offline / Online Donations are Tax deductible u/s 80G.

- SERUDS India Charity registered under FCRA (Foreign Contribution Regulation Act), eligible to receive donations online from abroad from NRIs, Foreign Nationals. Make a Donation to best Charity in India & help aged people for their daily needs in old age home through give fundraisers.


We request you help and donate online to charity generously to feed the hungry poor old age persons in elderly midday meal old age care center. Your donation helps to make a difference in someone's lives and create hope on their lives. Beneficiaries always expressing sincere gratitude towards your kind generous donations. Thank you for sponsoring to our noble cause of the poor old age people in old age midday meal care center.

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SERUDS - Sai Educational Rural And Urban Development Society

SERUDS - Sai Educational Rural And Urban Development Society

Beneficiary Charity




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