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End Hunger- Feed The Project

Campaign by CHORD

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The pandemic has affected children from marginalised tribes, especially girls, who are unable to get access to education in Telangana. CHORD is providing education and dry ration to 500 Vulnerable Girl children belonging to Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribes and or Backward classes, minority communities (and their families), identified and rescued from streets, rural peripherals and slums in collaboration with the Departments of Labor, Police, and Education, of Government of Telangana. By contributing ₹1,500, you can support one such girl child and her family.


Girl Child Education:

Girl child is the future of every nation and India is no exception. The status of the girl child is the key to achieving women’s equality and dignity which is, in many ways, a litmus test of the maturity of a society. Girls are to be the future mothers, besides future policy makers and leaders. Jawaharlal Nehru once said “To awaken the people it is the women who should be awakened first. Once she is on the move the family moves …the Nation moves”.

Current Status of Girl Child in India

  • Sex ratio in the 0-6 Years age group has fallen to an all-time low of 914 girls to 1000 boys
  • One in three girls die in the first year of life and one in four do not live to celebrate their fifteenth birthday
  •  Two out of five girls are malnourished and every second adolescent girl is anemic
  •  Six out of ten girls are child brides and four out of ten have their first child before they are 18 years old
  • vIndia ranks 113 out of 135 countries as per World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report 2011
  • With more than one-third of its population below 18 years, India has the largest young population in the world.
  • Only 35% of births is registered, impacting name and nationality.
  • One out of 16 children die before they attain the age of 1, and one out of 11 die before they are 5 years old.
  •  35% of the developing world’s low-birth-weight babies are born in India.
  •  40% of child malnutrition in the developing world sin India.
  •  Out of every 100 children, 19 continue to be out of school.
  •  Of every 100 children who enroll, 70 drop out by the time they reach the secondary level.
  • Of every 100 children who drop out of school, 66 are girls.
  • 65% of girls in India are married by the age of 18 and become mothers soon after.
  •  India is home to the highest number of child laborers in the world. India has the world’s largest number of sexually abused children, with a child below 16 raped every 155th minute, a child below 10 every 13th hour, and at least one in every 10 children sexually abused at any point in time.
  •  According to UNDP Human Development Report (2014), on educational indicators a measure of how many years of schooling a child is expected to receive, if prevailing enrollment patterns continue. India’s average is 11.7. The world average is 12.2 years, while the developed countries average 16.3 years. Among the BRICS countries, India's average is the least. Currently, Indians of 25 years or more have received just 4.4 years of schooling on average, compared to a global average of 7.7 years.
  •  HDR 2014 introduces a gender development index (GDI) for the first time, which measures gender development gaps among 148 countries. While the overall gender gap is an 8% deficit for women, the income gap is shockingly high — per capita income for men is more than double that of women.


Quality Education:

A Girl child needs a good education. Education is imperative for the growth, development, and advancement of society. Education levels the playing field and enables a Girl Child to compete fairly across gender.

Identity, Dignity, and Opportunity:

Education exposes a girl child to opportunities and helps develop her skills. It expands her mental horizons to grow and proser as rightful citizen of our Nation. Education provides girls with the all-important identity and equips them with the right amount of dignity to compete and avail career opportunities the system offers. to A girl child needs to be mentored and taught the proper values that will improve her self-worth. 

A girl child needs to be provided for, cared for, cherished and loved. A girl child needs to be affirmed repeatedly that she is priceless. Parents, care-givers, governments and the society at large owe her these responsibilities.


Educate and empower Girl child for sustainable Education, Health, Livelihoods, Life skills and Leadership from among the urban under privileged community by promoting bridge schools, regular girl’s community neighborhood schools and skill training centers.

CHORD strives to rescue, educate and empower 500 working Girl children every year through their bridge schools, formal schools and skill training centers in Hyderabad surrounding districts Telangana, India. The challenge is to break the cyclic life pattern of working and school dropout children in the slums through innovative remedial school education program developed by the organization that takes the child to its logical end through formal and vocational education. The program provides a holistic and flexible learning opportunity to children and also lays emphasis on supporting children in their early adulthood stage and strives to empower the students by making up for lost education and rebuilding a learning foundation, integrating the child into main stream education and enabling the child toward a sturdy development plan through guidance and care.

CHORD are currently is running a bridge schools that cater to the educational needs of 500 urban deprived and slum girl children.

Field facts of this concept           

  •  About 500 girl children will be the direct beneficiary of the project and 500 families will be indirectly benefitted during the course of the project.
  • Our target group are urban under privileged families and girl children from those families. The girl children are always busy for homestead work with their mothers to learn the basics of homestead work.
  •  The mother is interested to engage her daughter in homestead work, rather than their education.
  • The maximum girls are engaged in homestead work at slums in the target areas of operation where CHORD has been trying to mitigate the gender based educational disparities.
  •  The girl children are migrated from their villages by the family force, and lack of food, cloths, entertainment and also effect of Urbanization. The migrated family is being settled in slums with family because they are victim of displacement etc. They are living in the small houses looking for job opportunity in slums.
  •  The child labour, particularly, girls are regularly socially, physically, mentally tortured by their profiteer/employer.
  •  Real empowerment of the girl child is only possible through education. Low levels of educational attainment coupled with familial and social neglect has inhibited their growth potential.
  • Variation in literacy of male and female is evident. Girls are still deprived of primary education, due to several factors such as inaccessibility of primary education, household duties, early marriage, early girl child bearing, gender bias associated drudgery, other socio-cultural factors such as parents’ perception, that education is more beneficial for sons.
  • A large proportion of school age girls remain outside the school system due to important factors explained largely by low access of females to education system in the traditional value system play a greater premium on male than the female.
  • Since resources are scarce, parents decide to send boys to school in preference to girls.
  • Acute poverty has proved to be a barrier to girls’ education.



We have adopted Hybrid model of education (Online and Offline) since April 2020 to ensure that the girls’ educational momentum is not curtailed and they continue to receive the fruits of learning that will propel them towards a brighter future. Our methodology is as follows.

  •  Conducting zoom /Google meet/WhatsApp  virtual classes from Jr.KG To X class in 9:00 AM -12:30 PM (Monday To Saturday) as part of our E-Learning Hybrid model of education in the current Pandemic Scenario
  • Monitoring Government TV lessons schedules from class 6th to 10th in the afternoon session daily three subjects in each class. Chapter-wise Works sheets will be sent to class Pre-KG To V class and also lesson wise videos and content in PDF (Ravi Publications: Enlighten Series)
  •  VI – X CLASS works sheets (State Syllabus) downloaded from the school education department website of Telangana State.
  • Conducting oral tests after completion of every lesson/chapter.
  • We will conduct slip tests in online weekly once (Every Saturday) and Exam question papers will send in student’s WhatsApp groups.
  • Evaluation of exam papers in online from class Pre-KG To 9th class.
  • Evaluation of exam papers in offline for class 10th. Students will send their answer sheets with their Parents...
  • Conducting all exams of FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTS (FAs) and SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT S (SAs) as per Govt. Schedule.
  • Based on online students present we will maintain attendance Registers.

Justification for the Project:

CHORD conducts door-to-door surveys and enrolls poor and BPL family girl children for education and vocational classes. Apart from that meeting with parents, women’s group members and community leaders will be organized to take their views on the selection process of such girl children

The program ensures that the following intrinsic and fundamental benefits are passed on to children justifying the amounts invested on children.

CHORD prides itself on providing the following facilities and amenities as imperatives that need to be provided to children not as a privilege, but as a right given that India is a willing signatory of UN Convention that has mandated and bestowed upon children these imperatives as a Right.

1. Food and Nutrition: Highly nutritious, fresh, and warm food provided as per the Dietary standards by now distributing food essentials (Rice, Dal, Oil , Vegetables, and Pulses) through this project

2. Water and Sanitation: Potable, clean and purified water provided in clean and serene surroundings.

3. Education and Development: Quality education on par with corporate schools imparted by trained and qualified faculty.

4. Livelihood Opportunity: Life Skill training is provided as part of children’s curriculum to prepare children towards a livelihood opportunity in the future.

Budget: Item Distributed per family of each Girl Child: (Rice 15Kg, 2KgDall, 250 Gms, Chili powder, 1Kg Onions,Vegetables and 2 Dettol Soaps)

Relief Package per family per month

Sl.NO Particulars Amount in Rs

1. Rice (16kgs @Rs.45/- each Kg per family) 720.00

2. Dhal (2 kg @Rs.138/- per family) 276.00

3. Cooking Oil (1 Kg) 155.00

4. Onions (1 Kg) 30.00

5. Chilli Powder ( 250 grams) 50.00

6. Vegetables 85.00

7. Dettol Soaps, Masks, and Sanitizer 150.00

8. Administration Cost(Travel, packing and Miscellanies Expenses) 34.00

Total investment per family 1500.00

PROJECT AREA: Kukatpally and Serlingampally Urban Revenue Mandals of Ranga Reddy district, Telangana abutting the city of Hyderabad.


500 Vulnerable Girl children belonging to Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribes and or Backward classes, minority communities (and their families), identified and rescued from streets, rural peripherals and slums in collaboration with the Departments of Labor, Police, and Education, of Government of Telangana.

Social Impact

CHORD through this campaign enables community ownership through the following initiatives.

  • The project will END HUNGER among GIRL CHILDREN by providing them food essentials on one hand and ensuring their educational pursuits are continued through our Hybrid model of education(Online and Offline)
  •  Ensuring girl children are protected with right food and covid-19 care kits
  • Reduce the rate of Child labor significantly by 10%in one year
  •  Contribute towards increasing the literacy rate of the target area
  • Recruit and Train qualified teachers and volunteers
  • Facilitate Community Enrolment and Collaboration Plans
  •  Improving Learning Outcomes Via Teachers and Volunteers.
  • Creating Girl Leaders
  • Establishing strong and replicable community-based development model
  • Empowering mothers through Skill training program to enable them to become livelihood earners.
  • Immediately with the help of END HUNGER-FEED THE GIRL CHILD program we will be not only preserving the lives of these children but also ensure their physical growth and mental development by providing them food essentials for the next three months 


Beneficiary Charity

Suman  C Malladi

Suman C Malladi


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