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Ensuring education and health to tribal children in kodaikanal

Campaign by Child Voice

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child voice identified one hundred and twenty one tribal children in the targeted ten villages around kodaikanal they are malnourished and illiteracy children are driven out for forest collection for their daily bread lack of employment leads food scarcity hence the parents send their children to collect forest products than health and education lack of schools causes illiteracy this project aims to promote health first by supplying nutritious food and mainstreaming education ensuring employment opportunities to the parents will help to change their attitude to send children in to school and sustainable livelihood

Supplementary of micro nutrition and supplementary foods with health education to enhance healthy living and health practices of tribal children 6 days / week.

Bridge course education and one to one care to strengthen class room performance to facilitate learning skill and to enrich them in class room activities 6 days / week

Personality Development and motivational and life coping training to tribal children to develop extracurricular activities among tribal children 5 events /year

Parents support group and community members meetings for sustainability to develop positive attitude of tribal parents towards education and health of their wards 12 monthly meetings.

The project will result 121 children are provided supplementary nutritious food and saved from severe health hazardous. Those children are offering education and mainstreaming to school 100%. 200 tribal families are motivated alternative occupation for their sustainable income and livelihood. The parents of the target children are changed their attitudes and preferring their children education than other forest collections. Strengthening of education among younger generation in the target tribal hamlets will bring gradual increase in the general awareness among the community and this will be endorsed by the positive impact of the activities

Child Voice

Child Voice

Beneficiary Charity

Arul selvi

Arul selvi


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