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Help my 7-year-old girl fight blood cancer; I need to save my only child

Campaign by GiveIndia


I am Sumalatha, a housewife residing with my husband and 7-year-old daughter Spoorthi in Godavarikhani, near Hyderabad. My husband is a daily wage worker and earns less than Rs.10000/month.

Over the last few weeks, our daughter started losing weight drastically and started complaining about pain whenever I touched her. She even stopped walking or moving around due to pain. We took her to the hospital nearby, at first. The doctors were unable to find the exact reason. Within a few days, Spoorthi started to vomit blood. This time, we consulted a different doctor and she was provisionally diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (Blood Cancer). It was confirmed 2 days ago, on the 4th of November 2019.

Now I am in dire need to get her to chemotherapy and find a donor for bone marrow transplant surgery. The estimate for the treatment would be around 20 lakhs. I have sold my jewelry and borrowed it from all our relatives. We have currently admitted her at a government hospital in Hyderabad. We have spent beyond our capacity for our daughter’s treatment already.

In such short notice, we are unable to arrange for the treatment costs. This is our final hope to save our only daughter. I would be eternally grateful for any small support you show to help me save my daughter.

All contributions to this campaign will get a tax exemption from Give Foundation.

Please come forward and donate any amount. Please help me save my only daughter.

Diagnostic Reports -

Updates -

6th November -

6:30 PM - Spoorthi is breathless and has been moved to the ICU

8 November -

10:00 AM - She has become more critical and is vomiting blood

12:40 PM - Her body colour is changing to a yellowish tone

1:30 PM - Spoorthi has been diagnosed with Jaundice.

10 November -

11:00 AM - Donor for platelets with AB+ blood group was arranged.

2:00 PM - After the blood transfusion, Spoorthi's platelets increased from 9000 to 80000. Although the doctor has mentioned that the increased count will not last for more than 4 days.

12 November -

11:00 AM - Platelets of Spoorthi dropped down to 22000

4 December -

11 blood transfusions done in the last 30 days. She has undergone Chemotherapy twice. She will be kept under observation for 15 more days. Next action call to be taken by doctors post that.

22 January -

She has undergone one more chemo and the doctors have removed water retained from her waist.




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