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Help our Zero-Waste Villages improve their waste transportation.

Campaign by Tieedi Permaculture Foundation

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3 villages, 70 households, & 56 shops situated along the national highway, near Tieedi have been actively segregating their waste and creating a waste-free ecosystem around themselves, as a part of the Green Mile Project. 

To improve this project and take it further, we need to optimize our waste collection based on the needs of our communities. Our current pickup truck and manual trolleys need to be replaced with an eco-friendly loader, making waste collection in these villages more convenient, cost-effective, and environmentally responsible.

🌍 The Challenge

Our current waste collection methods come with logistical challenges, where our big pickup truck is unable to navigate narrow streets and smaller stretches efficiently. Leaving us to use manual trolleys that put undue strain on the hardworking members of our Green Mile Team. 

💡 The Solution

Ensuring our commitment to sustainable waste management, it's time for us to upgrade to an electric loader that is better suited to the task at hand.

We have identified the Baja EV Cargo that can benefit our communities:

  1. Bajaj Maxima | EV

This loader is designed to maneuver through tight spaces, making waste collection in our villages far easier. They are eco-friendly, producing zero emissions, and cost-effective in the long run. 

🌟 How You Can Help:

Strengthen our zero-waste initiatives by making this transition to electric loaders a reality. Your contribution will help is procure and maintain the loader we procure.

  1. Donate: Contribute to our campaign, we welcome any amount to help us reach our fundraising goal. 
  2. Share: Spread the word about our campaign on social media, with friends, and in your community.
Tieedi Permaculture Foundation

Tieedi Permaculture Foundation

Beneficiary Charity

Tieedi Permaculture Foundation

Tieedi Permaculture Foundation


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