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Keep No child Hungry


Yashika is 11 years old and studying 6th standard at the Bharathi Primary School of Reddypatti. Her family resides in the Adi Dravidar colony. Her father after becoming infected with HIV/AIDS and has been undergoing the Anti Retro Viral Therapy for the last six years. She too is under ART regimen for the last one year. Yashika belongs to the community of Schedule caste which is considered the lowest and untouchables in the Hindu caste hierarchy.The exclusion of the community and individuals belonging the considered to be low is not very rigid in the urban centres. But in the rural belts like the region where Yashika's family reside, the rigidity on caste system is still very much prevalent. And that is the reason why families of Scheduled castes like that of Yashika's can only live in the secluded settlements located faraway from the village proper. When already being forced to be in a socially excluded life deprived of many rights, living with HIV/AIDS is terribly added burden.Under the circumstances, the Nutrition Support for a month provided to Yashika will be considered as a Panacea by her parents.

About The Program

Mission: Keep No Child Hungry

About The NGO

Share and Care Children's Welfare Society is serving the needy children since 1984.The main objective is to impart education freely to the underprivileged, orphan children, girl children, physically challenged people and children belonging to scheduled caste and tribes in the remote villages. Share and care is dedicated to eliminate the suffering of the poor through education. The NGO is working to alleviate the cruel effects of poverty through social welfare reforms. At present, they run a creche, a primary and high school and impart free education to more than 200 children. The School is recognized by the Government of Tamilnadu, but it does not receive financial aid. The children from the remote villages have no transportation facilities and mostly their parents are illiterate and undernourished. The children need better care and good education to support their families and their communities at large. These schools are functioning since 1990 exclusively to support these children.Due to poverty, the parents and families at large lack the awareness and importance in sending their children to school. Hence, it is of utmost necessity to provide amenities like free transportation, education and mid-day meals so we can curb every possibility of children dropping out of schools.

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