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#KeepHERGoing | The Safepad Project: Restoring the Dignity of 10,000 Menstruating Girls in Tribal Schools & Communities

Campaign by AWARE India Trust

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Nobody deserves the indignity of having to use cow dung, ashes, leaves, newspapers, used socks, old mattress cuttings or rags to catch her menstrual flow. These crude materials are not only ineffective but also unhygienic and uncomfortable in catching menstrual flow. In the Tribal Hamlets of Tamilnadu, school going girls of menstrual age are either forced to endure this humiliation or be absent from school. For the brave girls who want to remain in school and build a bright future, a large number of them confess to facing stigma that comes from unhygienic menstrual hygiene management, the odor of improperly managed menstrual blood or shocking stories of how they did not know what to do during their first menstrual period. Moreover, this state of affairs is worsened by the lack of information on menstrual matters as well as a deep culture of taboos, myths and misconceptions surrounding menstruation and menstrual blood.

At AWARE India, we believe that young girls should not be left alone to make these tough choices. They should be supported, empowered and allowed to have their menstrual periods in a safe, confident and dignified manner. In a bid to restore dignity to these girls, retain them in school and enable them to face their periods with confidence, we came up with The Safepad Project.

The aim of this project is to break the silence on menstrual matters, debunk the myths and misconceptions on this subject area, sensitize boys and girls, their families and communities on menstruation and to donate reusable sanitary pads to needy girls of menstrual age. While we have been reaching out to these young girls, we need support in order to reach out to more under-served areas, marginalized populations and vulnerable groups. We need your HELP.

Project Objectives:

• To break the silence on menstruation by sensitizing the beneficiaries and other stakeholders on menstruation and debunking the taboos, myths and misconceptions associated with menstruation by the end of the project

• To increase the proportion of young girls who are engaging in sustainable, environmentally friendly and proper menstruation hygiene management through the use of safe, hygienic and reusable sanitary pads by the end of the project

• To improve access to reusable sanitary pads through donations and to distribute information booklets on menstruation and menstrual hygiene management to the beneficiaries and other stakeholders during the project duration

• To improve rates of readmission and retention of adolescents of school going age in selected schools

• To increase the self-esteem of adolescent girls on menstrual matters through open discussions and focused empowerment


• Identification and determination of the priority of target areas, beneficiaries and institutions through a Decision Matrix. Indicators including but not limited to the prevalence of absenteeism and school dropout rates, appalling media reports on unhygienic menstrual hygiene management (MHM) and insufficiency of facilities providing affordable MHM products in the under-served areas will be used.

• Baseline survey of MHM methods and products

• Training of the community mobilizers, community health volunteers, teachers and beneficiaries on safe MHM practices through a wide range of creative, participatory and behavior change approaches.

• Distribution of the reusable cloth pads to the beneficiaries

• Monitoring of the use and consumer feedback mechanisms

• Reporting and presentation of results, final project evaluation on impact, outcomes, lessons learnt and recommendations

Expected Results

• Restored dignity of menstruating girls through the increased access to reusable sanitary pads and information on proper MHM in the target areas

• Sensitization of adolescent boys and other stakeholders on MHM to break the silence and support menstruating girls

• Reduction of absenteeism and school dropout rates associated with lack of menstrual hygiene management facilities in the target areas

• Increased readmission and school retention of adolescent girls of school going age

• Improved knowledge, attitudes and practices among stakeholders and beneficiaries on MHM and reusable cloth pads as a better menstrual management product and focus on information channels for ongoing support, mentorship, and knowledge

• A decreased vulnerability of girls to period poverty, improved esteem among menstruating girls and increased participation by adolescent girls in school activities

The Safepad Project presents an immediate solution to several challenges facing menstruating girls in needy settings. From the use of unsanitary materials to the rise in school dropout rates, the Safepad Project presents a sustainable solution. It is also the conviction of the AWARE India Trust that with the goodwill of donors and sponsors, even needy girls from the informal settlements of Tribal areas acorss Tamilnadu can safely manage their periods in an informed, confident and dignified manner using appropriate material to catch their menstrual flow. It is on this basis that we are requesting for assistance in order to execute this project. We need your help.

Pledge your support, donate now!

AWARE India Trust

AWARE India Trust

Beneficiary Charity




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