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Jeevodaya is a shelter home run by SHEEP that creates a child-centred atmosphere and all the children receive a quality-based basic education. The homes are designed especially for girls and adolescents. These homes not only provide free school/college fee, food and accommodation but also all children are safeguarded from accusation and violence. SHEEP voices the concerns of distressed and disadvantageous communities in the societies to assist and guide them to live a more dignified life. Our pioneering programs based on two decades of experience, addressing children of parentless, rescued from trafficking and child labour by Law and Order officials, street children, runaway children, destitute children, affected children of HIV/AIDS and Tb and desolated who needs unique requirements and special heed. SHEEP gives them a healthy start, knowledge, opportunities to learn and protection from external harm. When disasters strike, we are always among the first to respond and last to leave, ensuring we reach out to every lost child. The staff are outspoken advocates for children, women and deprived people and their rights, and we make sense about their demands. These results give envision of bringing social transformation by providing access to basic needs 

SHEEP believes, Women and girls are the right holders of leadership, united by their own groups, which needs to be facilitated and enabled to participate in decisions for the betterment and socio-economic growth. Empowering the women and children by creating opportunities where they interact with leaders of the market and officials entails them to grow as responsible and receptive people. This in turn leads to the acceptable change that they wish for themselves, it is the catalytic condition where SHEEP comes in. SHEEP works with most excluded and marginalized families by strengthening the public institutions and mechanisms responsible for their integrated development by addressing arising vulnerabilities, risks and creating awareness that enables underdeveloped communities. SHEEP upholds the constitutional rights of children and women effectively especially for those who suffer 'social exclusion and ostracism'. SHEEP is able to create a caring and supportive platform that caters for decency and health services to help them to make better choices towards a dignified life.

The organization is established in 2000. The mission is to work for the care and concern of underprivileged and destitute people to improve their quality of life as well to augment Behavioral Change Communication and Practice (BCCP) in the people. It covers SDG’s like 1,2,3,4,5,6, 10, 13 and 17 (No Poverty, Zero Hunger, Good health and Well Being, Quality Education, Gender Equality, Clean Water and Sanitation, Reduced Inequality, Climate Action and Partnerships to Achieve Goals). SHEEP advocates for policymakers, KAP, equality, quality healthcare, action against exclusion and atrocities/Abuse and many more at the national, state and societal level by coordinating with the Central and State governments. SHEEP accustomed to several programs and projects to cater services to needy people that enables them to live dignified, active and healthier lives. 

The organization mainly aims at Child Education, Health, Skill Development, Environment, Water and Sanitation and Human Rights. The organization obtained several awards and accolades at the State level and National level for its immense, altruistic and astute services. The organization maintains excellent rapport with Govt. Departments, development agencies and other networks coordinate its activities, share the successes, move hand in hand and motivate shareholders for owning the program/ project to reduce economic and work burden efficiently. SHEEP provides tender care and sufficient support to those children who have lost their parental affection and support, allowing them to blossom and receive a holistic education. The organization focuses on the concept of continuous education by stressing, overall development of disadvantaged children so as to ensure equal importance without discrimination. The rehabilitation home ensures the strengthened right life-skills to tackle the demands and challenges of life and be successful. The atmosphere in the home provides better higher self-esteem, self-governance and overall emotional development. The children are offered integrated and consistent affection, care and support for better growth and progress that leads the orphaned or destitute children with hope, love and prospects for the future. 



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