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Every Girl in School

Campaign by Give Foundation


Born into a low-income family, Akanksha was forced to drop out of middle school once she reached puberty to care for her younger siblings, though her brother continued to attend school. During a survey as part of Give's Every Girl in School mission, our NGO partner learned about Akanksha and convinced her parents to let her return to class with the cost of books, uniform and other expenses paid for by donors to our mission. Now the young girl dreams of becoming a police officer.

Despite education being a fundamental right for all children, girls like Akanksha from impoverished, illiterate families are mostly denied this right. 

Sponsor a girl’s education

Poverty, cultural norms, poor school infrastructure, distance from home and child marriage play a huge part in keeping them away from class. And by the time they reach adolescence, almost 40% are out of school, a majority kept at home doing household chores instead of preparing for further studies and gainful employment.

Our mission Every Girl in School aims to support the education of close to 15,000 girls across the country - and you can be a part of it.

It costs ₹1,000 per month to support one girl with books, uniforms, fees and meals.  A small donation from you every month to help girls attend class - and remain there till they graduate - can make a huge difference.

Your support towards girls’ schooling not only impacts their dropout rates, future employability and social status, educated girls are also six times less likely to marry before reaching adulthood - thus preventing child marriages. 

When you invest in a girl’s education, you invest in a better future for her, her family, her community and her nation. So you will not be changing just one life, but many.

Renewed urgency after Covid

The mission had been supporting 2,676 girls in the care of 16 NGOs across India before Covid-19 struck and schools remained closed for more than a year. This severely disrupted the way education was managed and delivered, especially for children from low income families who had little or no access to online resources. Here too, girls were particularly disadvantaged.

Now that children are back in school with renewed enthusiasm, we are relaunching our mission to ensure Every Girl in School becomes a reality across India.

Keeping girls at home keeps them in poverty. Educating girls helps them, their families, communities and the nation prosper. Give monthly to send a girl to school.



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