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Save Rural Women from Cancer – Donate for our Early Detection Program

Campaign by Udhavum Ullangal Public Charitable Trust

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One woman dies of cervical cancer every 8 minutes in India. We can save the rural women through early detection of cancer.

Cancer is curable if detected early. We have spread awareness among 1,00,000 rural women through our Cancer Screening Programs.


  • Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in women in India and it accounts for 27% of all cancers in them.
  • One in every 28 women is likely to develop breast cancer during her lifetime.

Incidences of cancer are expected to rise five-folds by the year 2025.

In line with World Health Organisation Cancer Control program we carry out prevention, screening and early diagnosis, treatment and palliative care for our beneficiaries.

UdhavumUllangal’s successful partnership with Cancer Institute Adyar for Cancer Control program:

UdhavumUllangal has been working on cancer control and prevention for over a decade. It assists the poor cancer patients in treatment and rehabilitation with the help of the Cancer Institute.

Dr.Shantha ,Chairman, Adyar Cancer Hospital realized that not much work has been done in the area of spreading awareness and prevention of the disease, which has resulted in patient coming to their hospital at 3rd and 4th stage, missing out the opportunity to save their lives. Furthermore, there were no statistics or registry available for analysis.

UdhavumUllangal has undertaken to fulfil her vision by reaching out to the rural Tamil Nadu, educate them, create awareness, screen for potential incidence and support where required.

Our team includes-

  • Nurses and Doctors from UdhavumUllangal Public Charitable Trust
  • Dr. Gita Jayaram, MDPath, MIAC, FRCPath
  • Dr.ArunaChandrasekharan, surgical Oncologist

We are mentored by-

  • Cancer Institute (WIA), Chennai since 1960
  • Dr Rajan Dewar MD Phd - Teaching Hospital of Harvard Medical School
  • Krishna Hospital, Tirunelveli
  • Mahesh Memorial Trust

We are partnered with-

  • Mahesh Memorial Trust
  • Cognizant Foundation
  • Sundaram Finance
  • eNoah isolution India Pvt Ltd

  • AWARENESS : 100,000+ women, till date, have been educated through campaigns covering rural areas south of Tamil Nadu
  • SCREENING : 26000+ screening of Oral, Breast & Crevices Cancer - Oral, Breast & Cervical has been achieved with fully equipped cancer screening vans
  • LAB : Availability of diagnostics lab for early detection that covers state-of-art lab, advanced screenings, such as colposcopy, USG, mammogram and biopsy
  • FOLLOW-UP & TREATMENT : Early detection follow-ups made through interaction with high risk patients, either by call and or on site visit

Udhavum Ullangal Public Charitable Trust

Udhavum Ullangal Public Charitable Trust

Beneficiary Charity

Sankar Mahadevan

Sankar Mahadevan


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