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Support a citizen’s initiative to shelter community animals from the chill of winter. Donate now!

Campaign by GiveIndia


WINTER can be harsh in North India, especially for those on the streets without shelter. While most of us think of homeless people, a group of like-minded animal lovers want to protect our four-legged friends from the cold by building 300 small wooden huts and placing them in and around Gurgaon. And it is for this compassionate initiative that they need your support.

They has been tending to hungry, sick or injured animals for the last six years, bearing the expenses of feeding 50-odd of them every day and any treatment and medical costs with the help of friends and family. 

“In Delhi, at least a 100 community animals lose their lives due to the cold every day in the winter. Many animals are beaten and shooed away when they seek shelter and warmth around those bonfires lit by people at every nook and corner,” says Vanshika Gupta, a resident of Gurgaon.

“We want to ensure that these community animals sleep with full stomachs in shelters where the gusts of wind don’t make them shiver every night.”

As another group member Saurav Pandey says: “We want to provide a roof over their heads. With your help we plan to build 300 wooden huts which we will place across the city. So please help us in this initiative, and help the animals in return.”

The cost of making the lives of community animals better

This year, with the pandemic and the economic downturn, they need help to continue their caring work. Each hut will cost ₹4,500 to make, and to feed 50 animals costs ₹2,500 per day. 

The story of Jiggly- one of Vanshika’s favourite rescues

Jiggly, cat of about three years old, was found in the winter of 2018, howling in hunger. After catching her with the help of a cage and taking her to a vet, she was found to be pregnant. Two months later she gave birth to four beautiful kittens, but two succumbed to fading kitten syndrome caused by Jiggly’s poor nutrition in the first month of pregnancy. The other two kittens have been successfully adopted, Jiggly has been spayed and now wanders the street with an ear tip (the mark of a spayed community animal who is taken care of and authorities cannot relocate or pick up).

Like Jiggly, there are hundreds of other animals - dogs, cats, cows, pigs and even squirrels - that they have rescued, fed and protected. 

Support their initiative. Provide shelter from the cold to innocent street animals. Donate now!




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