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Support an adult with intellectual challenges become self dependent by contributing to their life skill training

Campaign by Diya Foundation

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An adult with intellectual challenges has the potential to learn, be productive and self dependent. However, the training needs to be systematic and consistent. At Diya, individuals with intellectual challenges are taught personal management (personal hygiene - washing and combing hair, brushing teeth, cutting nails etc); household management (clean, dust, sweep, mop, follow recipes and cook within a budget); Personal Social skills : giving praise, accepting criticism, getting to know themselves, their likes, dislikes, strengths and weaknesses; and Employability Skills - punctuality, regularity, initiating work, maintaining targets, cleaning equipment and cleaning workspace. 

Support us to make adults with intellectual challenges productive at home and at work by donating to their training. Your generosity not only changes their life but improves th quality of life of their entire family.

Diya Foundation

Diya Foundation

Beneficiary Charity

Maria S. Santamaria

Maria S. Santamaria


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Use of children’s information including images, videos, testimonials, etc. in the Campaign is necessary for creating awareness about the charitable cause in order to bring traction to the said charitable cause and obtain donations which can then be used for charitable activities. Information is used and processed with valid consent. This statement is issued in compliance with the Consumer Protection Act, 2019, as amended from time to time.

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